Who Has Keys to Your Home and Why You Should Care
Category : Locksmith
Who has keys to your home?
What is a key really? Most of us carry them every day. We secure many things with them. We secure our most valuable possessions with them. Personally I feel that we tend to take for granted all of the things we secure with keys by leaving them around, making multiple copies, and even sharing our keys with family, friends and neighbors. It seems that people would want to keep things that are secured with a key, secure.
Sharing keys with everyone doesn’t just mean not calling a locksmith when you’re locked out. What happens if and when a neighbor with your key gets robbed. Your homes security is now in question.
Who knows if the robber now has keys to your home. This could potentially be worse for you than your neighbor. They probably broke something to get into your neighbors house. Therefore, your neighbors insurance is going to cover them.
However, if the robber now has keys to your home, is your insurance going to cover you or are they going to say that the house was not secure. Maybe the insurance company will look at it as an inside job. Either way, make sure to check with your insurance company to check your coverage in this situation.
Sometimes we will lose keys, but we have a spare so we just continue to use the spare and make others. What do you think ever happened to the key you lost. Did it have anything that could possibly identify your house or you in general? Could that key eventually come home in the hands of an intruder? Who knows who will open your door next.
I have ran into a handful of people who claimed that they gave a key to a neighbor and they refused to return the key. Sometimes the neighbor claims to have lost the key. Either they kept the key for later, or they genuinely lost the key. Either way, this is not a good situation to be in.
Key Hiders
Then there are key hiders. They are great for when you lock yourself out and nothing happens with the key. But have you ever really stepped back to think bout the fact that you just left a key outside of your house that will open your house? If you are going to use a key hider, please make sure that it is not any of your box store types. Just a hint here, everyone knows what they are and what they look like.
Use something unique to hide keys to your home. I seen a rabbit yard decoration once. This decoration had a very well hidden slide out bottom that had another little compartment inside that held the key to the house. I thought this was amazing (and it still is). However, on the top of my list is a home-made one that is part of a tree the owner cut off. Through his skill of wood working he dissected the portion in such a way that he was able to make a key hider out of it and mount it back onto the tree leaving nearly zero trace of it being anything more than a tree.
If you did not have your house or apartment re-keyed when you moved in, who has your keys? Many people could have your keys including the old owners or previous tenants.
Why should you care?
Well, back to the insurance thing for one. Insurance companies could possibly deny your claim if the robber used a key to enter your house or steal your car. Check your policy because each policy is different in some way or another.
Either way, you may have to prove that you were not involved or at least negligent in the matter. Proving these things can be extremely hard and many times these companies will make you feel very uncomfortable as they drill you, taking you from victim to suspect in a matter of moments.
Imagine if a robber did have keys to your home. If he was careful enough he could steal things slowly. Maybe he would start with things that you may not notice. He may take care to carefully plan how to take it all at once. Maybe he will learn the layout of your home and where everything that he will want is located.
Let your imagination run wild, because someone with keys to your home will let theirs run wild.